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Inspirational Words 

Give Me Strength

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Which Strengthens Me

Philippians 4:13

I know looking at this verse seems easy to you,

but when I don't have faith or confidence it is hard to carry out the task to be me.

One step that I have learned is to look into a mirror
and tell myself "I love you and so does He".

God put me here for a reason; to conquer, to have faith
and to spread His Word about His Son Jesus.

He knew my name from the beginning
and He will know my name unto the end.

He told me that I was not a failure but in life there
would be trails and tribulations that would come my way.

If I have patience, faith, prayer and study His Word
and believe in His Son Jesus Christ, I will become stronger
and I will be able to stand on the verse above which states:

"I can do ALL Things Through Christ Which Strengthens Me."

Mrs. Gwendolyn T. Myers

Dedicated to Hidden Strengths Support Ministry, Inc.


Hidden Strengths Support Ministry, Inc.
| PH: 202.372.7716 |
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